
Why experts recommend travel insurance when going abroad

Katie Malone's birthday celebration in Mexico turned into a nightmare after a horrifying parasailing accident in Mexico.

The San Diegan is still recovering after a rope disconnected from the boat she was on. Katie was blown around for 45 minutes in the air before falling hundreds of feet to the ground.

Katie did not have medical trip insurance, while she was abroad her condition worsened. Donations helped pay for treatment and an emergency life flight from Mexico to San Diego.

She's not alone. According to Generali Global Assistance, 80% of travelers do not have adequate trip coverage.

The biggest mistake is assuming your health care coverage at home will be enough, according to Brad Rutta.

"We often hear of travelers cranking up credit card bills because there are coverage gaps with international plans they are not aware of, there are a lot of different components. You can buy travel insurance with an airline or booking site but the most comprehensive coverage will come directly from your insurance carrier."

Medical evacuations are often not covered and can cost more than $150,000. Rutta says be as prepared as possible, read your policies and understand your coverage.

Travel insurance generally costs 5-7% of the trip

Categories : bathroom car healt insurance


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